RoCmod 2.1c Download & Installation Guide

RoCmod 2.1c Download & Installation

RoCMod is a game modification (mod) for Soldier of Fortune 2.

The latest official version is RoCmod 2.1c with most of todays servers using RoCmod or a variation of the mod.

RoCMod 2.1c for Players

To play on servers that are running RoCmod you need to download and extract the rocmod directory from the download below to your Soldier of Fortune 2’s root directory.

Installing RoCmod 2.1c for Soldier of Fortune 2 is a simple process, in most cases it just requires you to copy the mods clientside files to your Soldier of Fortune 2 root directory (where SoF2 is installed).

Step 1 – Download & Extract RoCmod

Download the clientside version of RoCmod 2.1c and extract the files to your PC.

Step 2 – Copy & Paste the RoCmod directory

Copy and paste the extracted rocmod directory to your Soldier of Fortune 2 root directory.

sof2 mod installation

Step 3 – Load RoCmod in Soldier of Fortune 2

Most of the time when you connect to a server it will automatically detect if the server is running RoCmod and will load without any issues.

Sometimes this is not the case so it is recommended to load RoCmod from the mods option before joining a server to ensure that the correct settings are applied.
sof2 select mod

RoCMod 2.1c for Servers

To install RoCmod 2.1c on your game server you first need to download and extract the rocmod serverside files from the download below to your servers Soldier of Fortune 2’s root directory, usually via FTP.

Installing RoCmod 2.1c on your game server is a simple process, in most cases it just requires you to copy the mods serverside files to your game server’s root directory (where the SoF2 linux binary or windows exe is located).

Step 1 – Download & Extract RoCmod Server Side files

Download the server side version of RoCmod 2.1c and extract the files to your PC.

Step 2 – Upload the RoCmod directory via FTP

Upload the “rocmod” directory to your servers Soldier of Fortune 2 home directory.

We recommend FileZilla FTP Client to connect to your game server, for more information on how to connect to your game server over FTP then check out our User Guide for a short tutorial.

rocmod server install tutorial

Step 3 – Set fs_game in the start script

In most instances Soldier of Fortune 2 game servers use a script to start and stop the server and define additional parameters to load.

Below is an example Linux start script for Soldier of Fortune 2 v1.03, to enable RoCmod you need to edit or add the +set fs_game rocmod parameter to the game servers start script.

./sof2ded +set dedicated 2 +set sv_pure 0 +set sv_punkbuster 0 +set net_ip +set net_port 20199 +set fs_game rocmod +exec yourserverconfig.cfg &

Windows servers in most instances use a batch file (.bat) to start the server, if your game server is running on Windows then simply edit the .bat file and the fs_game parameter same as you would for Linux.

Step 4 – Restart your Game Server

Since you are changing the game version of your game server you need to restart the game server to load RoCmod.

Depending on where your game server is hosted this is either done via your host’s game server control panel, or via the SSH command line for those hosted on VPS or Dedicated machines.

RoCmod 2.1c Admin Commands

Console Commands

/sounds – List all available voice commands
/tokens – List all available text tokens
/adm – Admin commands (see below)
/ref – Referee commands (see below)
/clan – Clan commands (see below)
/match – Match moderator commands (see below)
/addadmin – Adds a new admin to the server
/removeadmin – Removes an existing admin from the server
/addsysop – Adds a new sysop to the server
/removesysop – Removes an existing sysop from the server
/addref – Adds a player as referee
/removeref – Removes an existing referee from the server
/refme – Gives yourself temporary referee status
/setref – Sets a particular player as a temporary referee
/addclan – Adds a player as a clan member
/removeclan – Removes an existing clan member from the server
/addmod – Adds a player as a temporary match moderator
/removemod – Removes an existing match moderator from the server
/motd – Display the server MOTD again
/admrcon – Admin access to selected rcon commands
/admtell – Sends an admin message to a particular player
/players – Lists all players with their id numbers
/admlist – Lists all admins currently in the game (if not anonymous)
/reflist – Lists all referees currently in the game
/clanlist – Lists all clan members currently in the game
/modlist – Lists all moderators currently in the game
/about – Server mod version info

Admin Commands

talk – Send a message to all players
chat – Send a message to all peers only
kick – Kick a player off the server
ban – Kick a player off the server for a length of time
cancelvote – Cancel the current vote
passvote – Passes the current vote
mute – Mute or unmute a player
suspend – Toggle your admin status on or off
pause – Pauses the game
unpause – Resumes a paused game
freezemap – Freezes or unfreezes the current map in the mapcycle
strike – Kill a player
slap – Knock a player back with a taunt
strip – Strip a player of all weapons
forceteam – Force a player onto a particular team
switch – Move a player onto the opposite team
penalty – Throw a player in the penalty box
unpenalty – Prematurely pulls a player out of the penalty box
gametype – Sets the game type
restart – Restarts the current map
mapcycle – Switches to the next map
map – Switches to a specific map
warmup – Turns warmup on or off
friendlyfire – Turns friendly fire on or off
extendtime – Extends the timelimit by a certain amount
timelimit – Sets the timelimit to a specific amount
scorelimit – Sets the scorelimit to a specific amount
swapteams – Swaps the teams
shuffleteams – Randomly mixes up the teams
endmap – Ends the current map and moves everyone to intermission
lock – Locks or unlocks a team
suspendall – Force all admins to suspend their admin status
fry – Set a player on fire
launch – Tosses a player up into the air
explode – Detonates a player from within
plant – Immobilizes a player
telefrag – Kills a player by telefragging them
surrender – Strips a player of all weapons and puts their hands in the air
respawn – Forces a player to respawn
bait – Plants a player in the enemy spawn, defenseless
forcesay – Forces a player to say something
eventeams – Evens the teams
invite – Invites a player to join or spectate a locked team
swap – Swaps two players between opposite teams
clanvsall – Moves all clan members to one team, and everyone else to the other team
bkick – Kick a player for a length of time (using PunkBuster)
pbban – Permanently ban a player (using PunkBuster)
pbgetss – Take a screenshot of a player (using PunkBuster)
freezemap – Freezes or unfreezes the current map in the mapcycle
startmatch – Begins a match, with special server settings
endmatch – Ends the current match, returning to normal settings
forcematch – Forces a match to start, even if all players aren’t ready
dummy – Marks or unmarks a player as a free-to-kill target dummy
novote – Prevents a player from calling votes for a period of time
rename – Changes a player’s name
cvarcheck – Displays the value of a player’s cvar
cfg – Forces the server to apply a specific server cfg
tag – Tags specific players for subsequent commands
swaptags – Swaps the tags on all players
cleartags – Clears all player tags
tagvsall – Rearranges teams to put all tagged players on one side
cripple – Weakens a player’s health and damage
backfire – Causes a player’s own bullets to turn against him
password – Changes the server password
reset – Resets all gametype entities

RoCmod 2.1c Source Code

A few years after the release of RoCmod 2.1c the developers also released the source code for RoCmod so that other aspiring mod creators could use their code and make their own version of the mod.

Many of the today’s servers use a modified version of the RoCmod 2.1c source code, with many cool additions being added by the community since it’s release.

The source code is only required if you wish to start developing your own mod, you will also require the SoF2SDK which can be found in the download section of this site.