XS Mod Server Files

XS Mod Server Files

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  • File Size 389.86 KB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date 8 April 2020
  • Last Updated 8 April 2020

XS Mod Server Files

About XSmod
Created by


XSmod is an weapon-admin mod for SOF2 Multiplayer. It has been inspired in the
best Admin mod that is ROCmod with the addition of new weapons that adds a new
style on playing this classic game. This weapons mainly grenades are inspired
BARD-14 and ICS weapon mods but with the idea of keeping file size as smaller
as possible.

Thanks to -]Roc[- Arrnor for releasing the ROCmod mod source code on wich
I based my proyect.

-------------------------------- IMPORTANT --------------------------------------

XSmod is a client-side mod. This means players needs the client .pk3 XSmod file
in order to play the mod, otherwise will cause weapon error numbers.



-------------------------------- CHANGES ----------------------------------------

7.0 - January 10, 2008
-Added Tons of new CSS & SoFpayback Weapon models.
-Added M7A3 Targas Grenade from ICS Mod
-Added Laser Sight as an accessoary
-Added More Country Flags
-Added a guide menu to help people of they don't know what they are doing!
-Added Spectator list and  Team overlay with better looking
-Added Knives and pistols player runs faster
-Added Rpg-7, m249 saw & rpk weapons player moves slower
-Added Refs can callvotes
-Added Weapononly command on non-respawn gametypes
-Fixed Thirdperson NightVision, Laser sight, Thermals, Gas Mask models on head
-Fixed CTF spawn points
-Removed Adm slap command on yourself
-Removed M4SD scoped gun silenced
-Removed M3A1 not used
-Removed MM1 Gas Grenade Launcher
-Removed M18 Smoke Grenade
-Removed Crosshair when using rpg-7, grenades and non scope sniping

About ROCmod
Created by -]Roc[- Arrnor

ROCmod is an admin mod for SOF2. It is similar to existing mods such as OSP
and Sneaky, but the intent in creating ROCmod was to take the best features
from all admin mods and combine them into a single "ultimate admin" mod, with
many additional features thrown in as well. ROCmod is well on its way to
achieving this goal, and already contains an impressive list of features and
options for both server admins and players.

ROCmod is not a weapon mod, and should not be mistaken as one. ROCmod does not
modify the weapons and damage properties of weapons within SOF2. Servers are
free to use (or not use) any damage configuration they wish with ROCmod.

ROCmod includes the following features:

- All mod features can be configured
- Both client/server and server-only modes
- Admin users, with a huge set of commands available
- Sysop "super admin" users, with many admin management features such
as sysop immunity and detailed admin command restrictions
- Referee users, temporary admins with limited powers
- Clan members, with special scrim management commands
- Client-side admin control center
- Many admin punishment commands and settings
- Team management commands for shuffling, swapping, and evening teams
- Many scrim features such as team/spec locking and admin suspending
- Match mode, for quickly organizing scrims and matches in a predictable
and fair environment
- Match moderators, to safely referee matches and scrims
- Configurable admin rcon access
- Anonymous admin options
- Penalty box, with automatic punishment for team killing, spawn killing,
and flag stealing
- Fully customizable voice commands, with over 80 included standard
- Many customizable gameplay notifications, such as headshots
- Admin-only voice commands
- Persistent player text tokens
- Colored names
- Detailed kill info
- Fast chat shortcuts, to use admin/referee/clan chat without having to drop
the console
- A completely redesigned game HUD and scoreboard
- Ability to view teammate health/armor/weapon info, as well as a team overlay
for an overview of teammate locations and status
- On-screen spectator list, to see non-admin players spectating you
- In-game MOTD
- Server messaging system
- New player greetings
- A large number of intermission player stats with scores and medals
- Killing sprees
- Detailed logging of gametypes and admin usage
- Server-side client mod verification
- Custom server logo on loading screen
- Player list to show client id, ip, and rate
- Explosion gore
- Minimum rate settings to kick laggers
- Anti-camping punishment
- Player cvar checking
- Auto-demo recording and auto-screenshot options
- Fully customizable team names and team colors
- Vote management settings and commands to prevent spamming
- Player reconnect tracking
- Bad word chat filter
- Player tagging, to execute admin commands on multiple players at once
- Classic CTF gametype
- Smear The Queer gametype
- Female team models
- Several security fixes to prevent server exploits
- Built-in customizable file scanner for modified file and skin detection
- Plus a multitude of additional tweaks and additions! See the included
reference docs for details

Keep an eye on our website for updates!
For questions, support, suggestions or comments, visit the ROCmod forum:

For a complete list of changes and additions in this release (too many to list
here), please see the history.txt file.

Thanks go out to the following people/groups:

Orange Smoothie Productions, Sneaky Nordic, PSYCHO MOD
- For creating the best admin mods out there, and giving me the inspiration
to do it even better.
-]RoC[- General Disorder
- For early beta testing and overwhelming excitement about the project
-]Reign of Chaos[- Clan
- For beta testing the first versions of the mod, and generally just being
a great bunch of guys. ROC RULES!!
Teal'C and the [Made] Clan
- For helping test the mod, and providing great feedback and ideas
- For bugging the hell out of me to get features added and released
on a regular basis
Dr. Pimp
- For helping write and test parts of the mod I had little interest in 🙂
The whole SOF2 community
- For being very enthusiastic and supportive of ROCmod, and helping it grow

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