OpenGL graphicMOD
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- Create Date 8 April 2020
- Last Updated 8 April 2020
OpenGL graphicMOD
Full version. Unpack the archive. Place opengl32.dll and QeffectsGL.ini to the game's directory. Have fun.
QeffectsGL: Graphic Mod for OpenGL-based Games
OpenGL pseudo-driver that adds some graphical enhancements to OpenGL-based games. You should place opengl32.dll and QeffectsGL.ini to the game executable's directory before running the game. If the game has multiple renderers available (e.g. Half-Life, Unreal), OpenGL renderer must be switched to.
- Anisotropic texture filtering*
- Full-screen antialiasing (MSAA)*
- HSL color correction
- Screen-space emboss bump-mapping
- Screen-space ambient occlusion
- Bloom
- Depth of Field**
* - can be also enabled in display driver's settings (e.g. NVIDIA Control Panel). But it is also added to QeffectsGL for convenience.
** - DoF effect is disabled by default. To activate it, set "DOF" parameter to 1 in the INI file.
Supported Games
- Doom 2 (Doomsday)
- GLQuake
- Half-Life / CS 1.6
- Gunman Chronicles
- Quake2
- Kingpin
- Soldier of Fortune
- Unreal
- Unreal Tournament
- Quake3
- Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
- Tremulous
- American McGee's Alice
- Soldier of Fortune 2
- Doom3
- Quake4
However, it may also work with other OpenGL games. Just try!
Do not replace the library in "WINDOWS/System32"!
Some anti-cheating software (e.g. VAC) may refer the library to as a cheat. Do not use anti-cheating software when playing with QeffectsGL!