CSS Office
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- File Size 12.34 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date 9 April 2020
- Last Updated 18 April 2020
CSS Office
About a year ago, my dear friend Marines aka Diogo asked me if I could make a cs_office conversion for SOF2 for him. So thats why I started making this map. It has cost me a lot of time to make but it also learned me a lot more about mapping. I would also like to say that I didn't get every detail out of the original map because the mapsize would be too big. But I hope you guys will enjoy it, cause I will ! I also want to thank a few people who really helped me out in getting this succeeded : Marines/Diogo, Commando, NoMercy, Goody, BuLLy, 3urn and ofcourse the people from Modsonline, SOF2 Mapping Online and Valve (Counterstrike) for their great map.