7 – Seven

7 – Seven

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  • Version
  • Download 177
  • File Size 3.09 MB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date 23 April 2020
  • Last Updated 23 April 2020

7 - Seven

7 (Seven) is a very nice small / medium sized map created in 2007 by Cuda.

The map is well design and constructed and based over two levels making for interesting game play and something different from the usual single level design maps that are out there.

If you ever played Quake III Arena then this map will certainly remind you of that, but with the unique twist that Soldier of Fortune 2 brings to the table.

I recommend you check this cool and slept on map.


Title          :Seven
Description    :A Dual Level Map, split by game type. 
Release Date   :September 2007
Version        :Final version
Filename       :7.pk3
Author         :Cuda
Email          :paul135@gmail.com

* Construction *

Buildtime             :A few months, hour here, hour there :) 
Compile Time          :10 minutes  
Editor                :GTK Radiant 1.4.0 
Map Known Bugs        :none 
Gametype Known Bugs   :none 
Features              :Camera portals / Teleporters / Jump pads
Secret                :1 secret room + Lower level access in both modes
New Textures?         :Custome textures for teleporters 
New Sounds?           :Countdown .wavs + teleporter sound
Custom Soundtrack?    :none 
Compile Machine       :AMD ATHLON XP2400 Quantispeed 

* Play Information *

Game                  :Sof2 
Type                  :Multiplayer 
Supported Modes	      :CTF / DM / TDM / CCTF 
Players               :2 - 25


* Installation *                 
(example: C:Program FilesSoldier of Fortune II - Double HelixBase.pk3)


* Spezial  Thanks *

Thanks to the SOF2 community, the game is old but still has alot of life in it :)


* Permissions *

All original and composed textures or assets in this level remain property of
the sources respective owners.
You MAY distribute this ZIP,PK3 in any not-for-profit electronic format (BBS, Internet,
CD, etc) as long as you include all files, including this readme, 
intact in the original archive.


* Warning - Must Read and Understand Before Use *

The author of this file accepts no responsibility for damage to data, or physical damage
to hardware, caused by the appropriate or inappropriate use of this file. It is deemed 
that users who run this file, automatically are considered as having read and understood 
this liability clause before using the said file.


* MAP Information *

This map incorporates two maps into one. I have the upper map set up for CTF, with a peek into the lower level during gameplay. Accesability to the lower level during CTF is possible but hidden.

The lower Level map is a DM based one_on_one map. Both maps are accesable in TDM / DM. 

The Spawn point for DM / TDM is a room that presents you with a choice of two maps to play. Take your pick.

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