VV Prospeedball
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- Create Date 9 April 2020
- Last Updated 18 April 2020
VV Prospeedball
* Readme File:
Title : VV_Prospeedball
Description : A remake of KZ_Prospeedball1 by Kizan except its a bit larger with an extra floor and ctf is supported
2 floors filled up with wood like in the original map.good for having a crazy fragfest.
In CTF mode the lower floor is split by a glass wall and players meet upstairs.
In DM/TDM and ELIM mode the glass wall and the CTF base are gone so the 2 floors are completely open.
Watch your back 🙂 and enjoy 😉
The original map by Kizan http://soldieroffortune2.filefront.com/file/Pro_Speedball;3422
Release Date : 18-1-2010
Version : 1.0
Filename : vv_prospeedball.bsp
Author : |V.'.V|Corbin aka Swet on soffiles.com
Email : wobcor@hotmail.com (contact me for anything related to my maps..requests/ideas)
Website : www.fragger.info
* Construction *
Buildtime : Some good hours spread over 2 days
Compile Time : 19 seconds lol
Base : From scratch
Editor : GTK Radiant 1.4
Map Known Bugs : none that i know of
Gametype Known Bugs : 1 flag is facing the wrong way.. nothing big
Features : 2 floors filled up with wood like in the original KZ_Prospeedball1
Secret : No
New Textures? : No
Weapon pickups : No
New Sounds? : No
Custom Soundtrack? : No
Compile Machine : core2 duo E6600 2400mhz / 2GB DDR2 PC6400 800MHz
* Play Information *
Game : Soldier of Fortune 2
Type : Multiplayer
Supported Modes : DM TDM CTF CCTF ELIM
Requires : Version 1.00 or higher
Players : 2 or more recommended players
* Installation *
(example: C:Program FilesSoldier of Fortune II - Double Helix Base)
* Credits *
* Id Software for The Q3Ta engine
* Raven Team for SOF2:Double Helix Game and the original qvm files
* Gtk Radiant Team
* Special Thanks *
* www.sof2files.com For the great work they do for the community
* Modsonline.com for all the tutorials on there site
* Sof2 mappping online http://z8.invisionfree.com/Sof2_Mapping_Online/index.php?
for all the tutorials and advice on their site
* Kizan for the original map http://soldieroffortune2.filefront.com/file/Pro_Speedball;3422
(no email could be found in his files for contact)
* 2F4-Pig for helping me with the idea and testing together with VV-Aza'zel
* Neogeoff for showing me the original map years ago
* -E*E-nomercy for the CTF prefabs
* ReadMe template created by Black_Ice@sof2files.com
* And everyone that i forgot to mention
* Permissions *
All original and composed textures or assets in this level remain property of
the sources respective owners.
You MAY distribute this ZIP,PK3 in any not-for-profit electronic format (BBS, Internet,
CD, etc) as long as you contact me first, and include all files, including this readme, intact in
the original archive.
* Warning - Must Read and Understand Before Use *
The author of this file accepts no responsibility for damage to data, or physical damage
to hardware, caused by the appropriate or inappropriate use of this file. It is deemed
that users who run this file, automatically are considered as having read and understood
this liability clause before using the said file.